What Does 402-935-7733 Mean on a Bank Statement?

Have you ever glanced at your bank statement and been puzzled by a mysterious entry labeled 402-935-7733? You’re not alone. This number is actually linked to PayPal, and it appears when a transaction is processed using their service.

Whether you’re a frequent PayPal user or you’ve just stumbled upon this number for the first time, understanding why it shows up on your statement is crucial.

It’s a common concern that has prompted many to question the legitimacy of the charge, but more often than not, it’s a legitimate part of online financial activity. Let’s dive into the details and demystify the presence of this number on your bank statement.

What is 4029357733?

The number 4029357733 is associated with PayPal’s customer service. When you see this number on your bank or credit card statement, it typically indicates a transaction processed through PayPal. This could be a direct purchase using PayPal, or it might be that the merchant you’ve shopped with uses PayPal as their credit card processor.

Why is it showing up on my statement?

There are a few reasons why this number might appear on your statement:

  1. Direct PayPal Transactions: If you’ve made a purchase using PayPal, the charge may show up as “PayPal” along with the number 402-935-7733.
  2. PayPal as a Payment Processor: Some merchants use PayPal to process their credit card payments, even if you didn’t pay through a PayPal account directly.
  3. Insufficient PayPal Balance: If you have a PayPal account and the balance was insufficient to cover a transaction, PayPal may have used your linked bank account or credit card as a backup funding source.

Steps to Take if You Don’t Recognize the Charge

If you don’t recognize the charge or don’t recall making a transaction that corresponds to the entry on your statement, take the following steps:

  1. Review PayPal Activity: Check your PayPal account for recent activity that matches the charge in question.
  2. Report Unauthorized Transactions: If you find no matching activity in your PayPal account, or if you don’t have a PayPal account, report the transaction as unauthorized to both PayPal and your bank.
  3. Monitor Your Statements: Keep an eye on your bank and credit card statements for any further unrecognized transactions.


The appearance of 402-935-7733 on your bank statement is usually a legitimate indication of a PayPal-related transaction. However, it’s always important to stay vigilant and monitor your financial statements regularly. If you ever come across a charge you don’t recognize, don’t hesitate to investigate and ensure the security of your accounts.

For more detailed information or assistance, you can visit PayPal’s official website or contact their customer service directly.


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Amy Nicholson
Amy Nicholson
Amy Nicholson is a highly skilled writer with extensive experience in the gaming industry. As an expert in writing for the gaming niche she has a deep understanding of the latest trends technologies and developments in the gaming world.

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